Sunday, May 10, 2009

It Ain't Over Till It's Over, Baby!

The other day I was looking for a photo and came across this flyer. The little woman, on the right, is my mother. I was always so proud of her. She was always doing something that seemed huge to me. She could sing so beautifully, she could draw wonderfully, she was funny and loving. I always felt cared about. But I look back on her life and she truly was wonderful. She won contests for drawing, she sang professionally and many people did love her. I wasn't just wearing a child's set of rose colored glasses.
This is what she accomplished after she was 65. She learned to tap dance and was a member of this troupe that went to retirement homes to entertain. She was also the singer for the group. I managed the sound for them, so I got to witness all the perfomances. What fun I had. I could see other people having the same reaction. It was great fun.
These women were all "senior citizens" who learned to tap dance at the same time. And all of the women had the time of their lives.
It is a good lesson for all women that "It aint over till It's over, Baby"

P.S. My Mother made the flyer. This was before color printers!


patrice said...

Oh boy, could she could sing!
And dance.
And in all ways, I felt loved by her too.
She was beautiful! said...

How inspiring! And how fortunate you were to have such a talented and loving mother. These are the stories I love to read about women and especially older women. I think this is how we need to be as we get older, always ready to take on new adventure and lessons and hopes and dreams. I will be back to read this story when I feel my courage diminishes or my dream is fades.