Friday, July 31, 2009

Art 101

Once, at a low point in my life, I received this in the mail from my sister, Georgeanne Sieler (better known as Annie). It helped a lot. I knew that she understood the mountain that I was climbing and she was there for support as well as cheerleading.

And looking at the pieces that she put together to form a whole, I am still so pleased to see it. The influence in my life by the East and the West, the little cat (that would be Willie Dixon, who is still with me) in the right hand corner, how we traveled together and the fact that I needed to let the past just be the past and go on with my life. Annie conveyed all this with this very personal card.

Annie created Art in a 3" x 5" format. I have saved, enjoyed and reflected on this card for many years. To my mind that is what Art does. It instructs and elevates.


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Her art reflected her...she always was an artist, no matter her medium. What a joy to have these pieces of art she so generously shared.

Phyllis said...

I could look at this card every day and never tire of seeing it. Your sister must have been so very talented, and she seemed to know your heart and mind so well. I imagine you must keep this in a special place so you can see it often. This must have been done before media art was all the rage. Thank you for sharing this with all your readers. It is a work of art.