Monday, April 27, 2009

Feed Them And They Will Grow

Here are my prizes. They are almost seven months. They are twice the size of when I brought them into my home. When they both are in this chair, they take up the whole chair and Chester's legs tend to hang over the edge.

This is what they looked like at two and a half months. They were tiny, and not very mischievous. But then they were not use to me and were very cautious. Now they do not hold anything back. They fly on little cat feet in pursuit of each other, even if I am in the chair. Over they run. jabbing their feet into my stomach. Oh, such fun they have!!!


phyllis said...

Now this is where I should be right now...visiting your two adorable and beautiful kitties. I am curious. Where did you get them? They must have been from the same litter. Thank you so much for sharing them with the world. I love how they seem like buddies. I have never had cats that are like this. My cats tolerate each other if I am lucky, but I have never had two from the same litter. We need to keep cats safe in the world!

patrice said...

OH! They have really grown. And it looks as if they are still as bonded as ever. The yin and yang thing is still really happening!

patrice said...

Such cute kitties. You can make cat toys, but first you have to buy catnip. The cat's might eat it so keep it up high.
Love, Annie

phyllis said...

I came back again this morning to start my day with your beautiful kitties.