Sunday, September 20, 2009

Almost Ashes

This was taken in the early, early morning. I almost burned the whole thing. I was so disgusted last night. I had gotten no where in this thing called "progress". It was sew, rip out, sew, rip out. Now that it is garbage, I will rip out and salvage what I can.
But on the "up" side. I have improved the design. If I had finished it, as it was, I would forever regret it.


Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a very great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Phyllis said...

I am not sure why you do not like this. Are you being overly critical? I think it is perfect as it is. The colors and the balance and the composition are strong and exciting. Step away from it for awhile and then return. Maybe you are too close to it to experience its beauty.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I surely know the feelings of disgusted and possibly disappointed but all I see are beautiful colors. So so hard to work on something that is stubborn to your efforts...learning is a good thing and it sounds as if you ended in a wiser place?

patrice said...

I'm guessing it's the leather. Once you sew on it, it's toast...
I'm very attracted to your grograine (sp?)work. It's the vibrant colors and the textures.