Friday, November 5, 2010

Here's Harry Potter !

I just received the Halloween photos. I am very pleased to see my darlings in their choice of costumes. Lucy is Michael Jackson as seen in the Zombie version of "Thriller". She has skinny pants and penny loafers, just like Michael Jackson's video.

Since I did not want to make the complicated jacket that Michael Jackson wore, Grandma went on line and found the perfect jacket.

But I did make the Harry Potter "cloak". I even sacrificed some amazing Plum Taffeta to the project. I was constantly on line checking to make sure that it was just like Harry Potter. I thought that I would collect payment last weekend but I will get my just rewards of kisses and hugs this weekend.
The make-up was provided by their father, who has as much fun with Halloween as the children.

1 comment:

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Harry Potter looks wonderful as does Michael! These snapshots speak of all the memories and excitement of provided costume and they will always hold the fun memory!