I received this charming envelope from Annie, my "Great" niece. I quickly opened it and I pulled out this charming "potholder". The envelope shows one of my dogs and one of my cats. In the balloons over their heads, the dog has a dog biscuit and the cat (who must be Penelope) has a picture of a fish. It is so colorful and I know that all the way down here, the people at the Post Office laughed. My Postman even gave me a chuckle when he handed over my mail. The potholder is so colorful and I can tell that Annie made it that way because I enjoy color so much. It is such a darling, spontaneous gift. It took me back at least 50 years ago, when I made pot holders as well. I had so much fun making for s long as the loops held out. Then I pleaded for another bag of loops. Wasn't it fun? I think that this was the first time that I made something that adults would use and also be pleased having. My Grandmother gave the kit to both of us, but my sister wasn't to interested. I then took the overflow potholders around the neighborhood and sold them for 25 cents each. It was exciting to make something an adult would enjoy. Now, fifty years later I received a reminder of my youth. And I see why the adults responded to me in such a positive way. I was so happy to get this colorful potholder and the fabric is much better than what I had. This one is a big improvement and the colors are so terrific. Thank you, Annie!!!!
I was given this very old tapestry and was trying to figure out how to use it. Then is looking in one of my books, I realized that the tapestry fabric is used through out "purse" history. In considering that, I came upon a design. I cut the top half off because the design interfered with my plans. It won't be easy but, hey what is fun if it is easy? This is a very fine weave and it is wool. I washed it carefully and dried and blocked it. I am pretty excited about the potential of it. The mark on the middle top is a leaf, not a spot.
I think that I mentioned that I changed computers (sort of like converting to another religion). I got a Mac computer. And I do not really know how to use it properly. So, I now have tutors. I have my darling niece and on the very high order of tutors, I hired Lucy! She really knows more about Macs than I do! Both children were over this weekend and the first person to use my computer was Lucy and then Hollis. I look at the photo and I see little cat prints on the wall beneath the window, the Oatmeal box I used to bead my "reticule" and too many monitors for computer. What does one do with outmoded monitors? They still work and I should go on "freebies" on Craig's List. There is another item to put on my long, long list. That nightgown is three years old. I bought a remnant and since her father has a black and white cat, I made this small piece of material work for a nightgown. She won't give it away and I have made more nightgowns since this one. She knows what she likes!
I found this fabric very enticing. I like the feel of fabric and when there is a combination of textures, I become very excited. This fabric has the chenille as well as the twill textures. I can imagine being in a dentist's office or on a plane and soothing oneself by the stroking of the fabric. I must have always done that. My Mother grew up in San Francisco and saw a lot of Chinese art work. her Father had a magnificent Chinese chest imported for her to use as a "Hope Chest". I grew up with my Mother's appreciation of Oriental art work. While working with my Uncle, who was a jeweler, this appreciation deepened. It seems natural to me to combined the West with the East. I scroll through Ebay and lust after the beautiful pieces that are on that site. Every once in a while, I will see something lovely that I know will work well with a purse. This dragon was made in Tibet out of silver. I don't know the age but when I hold it, I feel the age. The patina alone tells of the years it has been on this earth. Well, I think that guarding the opening of a purse is appropriate place for this dragon to be in the "New World". He is holding four fish in his mouth, so he will never go hungry!
I finished this purse on Friday last week. I received this wonderful fabric from my darling niece. It felt like this purse was meant to be. I had all the diverse pieces and they just came together. When I figured it out, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep that night. Sometimes creation is that simple. Oh what fun I had making it.The lining is the same cream color but it is Raw Silk. The sound of the silk is jut like Taffeta......music to my ears!The circle motif is on both sides of the purse. I tried to keep the Oriental feeling though out. Once again I must show the house beauty, Penelope!
This is my first post on this new computer. It is a Mac and a big change for me. I have used PCs for all the years that I have been on computers. I am still holding my breath.
This is a cutting board that a friend made for me. I have yet to use it. Knowing how knives make cuts on wood, I hesitate maiming the bear.
This is the promise of Spring after our rains. How beautiful is Spring? Too beautiful to really put into words. It is my favorite season. It is like I can see the world vibrate with new life. Ah!!!!! And here is the house Princess in all of her glory, sleeping on fabric and controlling my life.
Well, this has only taken two days to do. I hope to post some artistic work in my next post. I need to show that I was busy with other things than playing with cats!
This is the best photo that I can find of "The Shop". This building is in back of my house. It has been an intregral part of my life for about 35 years. I started working here when my son was 3 months old. I wasn't going to work for a while and I was going to stay home with my son. But my father asked that I come and help a couple days of the week. It seemed like a fine idea. I didn't realize at the time that that decision was a life changing idea.
At the time, it was a chance for my mother to see my son and have a strong connection with him. They both thrived on being together. It allowed me to continue breast feeding him without any interuption. I got a chance to work with my father. It was all good.
But as life goes forward, things change. My father's contract with a firm that he had sold a design to failed. He decided that he would go back into business full time, now that he had my help. Inch by inch, I was pulled further along into the electronics world and the production of product. I am not saying that I went unwillingly but there was always a slight feeling of resistance on my part.
About 12 years later an opportunity came to sell the designs that he had developed and I felt that it would not end up in my favor. It was at this point that I committed myself wholeheartedly to the business. An agreement could not be found with that firm. I was pleased and I decided that I would take over much more of the sales area.
I remember the first time that I was going out on a sales call, I was awake all night. I kept going over in my mind what I would say and trying to anticipate what they would say. I am not a natural sales person and it takes a lot out of me to put myself forward. I planned sales convention shows, school shows, mailings and newsletters. I did all that I could conceive of doing to further the venture.
I also began to design sound systems as well. I have tried many designs and some were good but some were lasting. It was the lasting ones that filled my heart with contentment.
But the circle closed about 1 1/2 years ago and I wanted to get back to my first love. And that was clothing design. I found the fulfillment that I was looking for in designing purses and realize that I needed to do that.
I thinking that I am finally going to be able to do that and at the same time pass the sound business off to someone that will take it further into the future.
I've been a Daughter, Mother, Wife, Sister, Aunt, Granddaughter and friend. I've been the student, an employee, a designer, a caregiver and for the last thirty years, the owner and operator of a business.