1. I go into the tapioca pudding of my imagination. I find some thread, I follow it ans see where it takes me.
2. If nothing occurs in my imagination (tapioca=imagination), I will pull fabric out and various handles, decorations and see if I go anywhere with that.
3. If I can't get any answer, I wait.
4. This time I waited and a few days after I finished my grandson's Halloween outfit*, my eye fell on these leftover pieces of tapestry that were lying on my cutting table. I had my fun with the large piece and thought that I was done. But the thrifty part of me said not to throw anything away. So, there on my cutting table the pieces lay, wait to trip me up.
5. When I saw the pieces of tapestry, everything came together and I starting hauling bits and pieces out and it all came out to a "whole".
6. Now, I began and how I began in a back a forth procedure. I accomplished the end before I picked up a scissors. I do the end first and then do the structure. A purse needs a structure, otherwise it is only a loose bag.
I, in my next post, will detail my building of a "purse".
* Mr Hollis, my sweet grandson, changed his mind for Halloween. I was almost done with Anakin Skywalker and I received an emergency phone call. "Hollis now wants to be Harry Potter". So, off I go to Joann's and bought the fabric for H.Potter's cloak. I made it a real as the photos on Utube. And he love it. My son was here the day I finished it and took it before I remembered I hadn't photographed it.
I love to see the "process" of different artists and how they "get to that place".
Sometimes I can find that place really quickly, then it seems elusive and maybe even gone forever! Then alas, I find some left-over bread crumbs from the past and voila!
I've heard it said that a large part of art is obsession.
I wonder if those really obsessive, immortal artists just "live" in that place all the time?
Maybe that's why so many went mad.
I'm with patrice...I love to hear about how other artists go about the process of making "stuff"!
thanks for sharing this, pat!
I like your process and the sharing of it...gathering the materials is such a special place to be in....I like all the potential you have gathered!!!
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