Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Last Blush of Summer

I usually see this flower during late July or August. The blossom will last about 36 hours if the weather is perfect. The fragrance gets more intense during the middle hours and goes down hill fast. The fragrance would be the perfect perfume. Oh, how short the tome is to enjoy this lovely. It did not bloom until this week. I had almost missed the delight!


Phyllis said...

What is this and what fragrance does it have? It is exquisite. The most beautiful things are fleeting in their life-span.

Pat said...

Hi Phyllis,
I am not good at describing fragrance but the closest I can say is that it reminds me of "Joy". And the plant is a cactus, it looks like a ball and only flowers once a year. It puts out an arm with a bulb on it, blooms for 36 hours, then withers and falls off. It you are not watching, you miss out. Sort of like life!

patrice said...

It's like the spirit of all things is sending you a message of hope and singling you out with special praise!